Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Supercomputers.

A human brain with unpredictable calculating powers is creating an artificial mind to mimic his capabilities. For an artificial supercomputer to match the natural brain, a lot needs to be considered.

1) Do we fully understand our brain to make its copy?
2) What are we going to achieve by creating an copied version of brain?
3) When we already had billions of naturally capable brains, don't you think it's a wastes of time and resources?

Before going in details, let's see an humorous incidence.
          In school time, one friend of mine used to make hand written question paper. Then he take xerox copy of the same before attempting this paper by himself.
          I could not understand, while he could have used same hand written paper, why he wasted time & money for the xerox copy?

Don't you think we are trying to repeat the similar mistake? While our own brain is much more capable than these supercomputers. Why are we not focusing on the more productive use of our natural brain?

I understand that out of curiosity man creates thinks that are not needed.
Instead of searching for life on other planets, why can't we keep our Earth healthy to sustain us for more time?

To make my side safer, I promise you that I am not against Science and new discoveries. But useless and destructive applications of science will make our own life Extinct.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Disastrous Beginning

The science had progressed a long way. We have achieved in many of the field. The impossible targets are not far from our reach. 

Having knowledge base in so many areas, we lack in our own basics of life such as:
1) No one know the reality of our lives. 
2) What happens after death? 
3) What is the reality of soul?
4) Who creates us and in end, who is responsible for destruction?
5) Why there exists duality in nature? Dualities like-- > Day-Night, Happy-Sad, Good-Bad, Rich-Poor, Male-Female. 
6) Why these dualities are inter-dependent, i.e, the very existence of one depends on the other? 
7) If there is interdependence, why there is no peaceful existence? Why there are fighting among the two?

Take some examples:
1) A person walking freely on the road, suddenly fall down. Crowd declared him dead. 
What happened to him?

2) A person in his good night sleep did not wake the next morning. People say he is no more. 
Why he can't see the next sun-light?

If we go on counting, there are limitless such numbers, where in few second interval, the happiness had turned into sadness. 

People call it fate and luck. The end of the life is decided at the very first cry of infants. The question is, if we all know that everything that we have we not always we forever with us. Why we struggle so hard to earn them? Why do we do stealing, murders, corruption, hate, proud, and other unsocial activities? 

Someone will say, what will they do then? 
The source of all crimes that we do in our lives is our own food engine i.e, Stomach. To feed this engine, we do all the good or bad whatever it is. 

Someone had sad, The Nature provides everything for our need, but not for our greed. 

Crime starts when we think for our future security. We are not only concerned with present day. We want as much resources as possible. Our hunger is not limited to our life, we collect for the coming generations. 

It is good to think about our child. A man who rope the tree, never get its fruit. It is for his coming generation to enjoy fruits. 

But do the tree and our greed have any similarity? Not in absolute terms. 
If our earnings, although beyond our needs, are from legitimate sources, there is no harm in it. But unlawful means of earning are responsible for all sufferings on the Earth. 

Do you think it good that someone who work hard the whole day and earn just enough to feed. On the other hand persons with no hard work are filling there banks with greed.  

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Uncertain Destruction

The life is full of unusual and unexpected incidents. No one could certainly say what is going to happen a few seconds later. This uncertainty continues till the end of our life.

Although having so much uncertain life, it is true that if we could have predicted the coming time, the beauty of life would have gone. The excitement we have in the coming future, would have lost in the expected thoughts.

Let us consider some examples where the uncertainty plays its role:-
1) A very good runner going on the road for participating in race competition. Suddenly on the way to ground, a tree fallen down on him. He lost both of his legs.
Result- He could not participate in the race and now have disability attached for life long

2) A happy village, with very enthusiastic villagers. Their daily hard work bring them food and other basic necessities. One night, a very big asteroid fall down on this village.
Result- All the villagers died in the night dreams. The village is lost from the map of the country.

These are only few examples where uncertain events could happen and hamper your day to day life in no time. What should be our reactions against such incidents?
1) Should be lost value in life and feel discouraged?
2) Should be start crying and roam here and there with no real purpose?

What ever be the reason for catastrophe, the one thing that is certain and unavoidable form the very birth of a person is --- We are mortal. Whoever has life will die one day or the other.

Some will live this life like an animal--Running around, filling up the stomach and in end die like they never existed. ----> Purposeless life.

There will be few persons, who will leave their impact on the Earth for generations. We will praise them and start praying them like God. These are person who valued there limited life. They used it in fruitful purpose not only for their benefit but for the benefit of all humankind.

If we want to be immortal. It can not be in real sense. But immortality is the way to live life virtually in the heart and soul of others.